Monday, June 22, 2009

Yes, I am a slacker...

Oh dear friends, or should I re-phrase this... Oh dear friend, (cuz i'm pretty sure only one person might read this) I have been a slacker. I used to update once every few weeks, and received decent feedback... then I thought to myself, "hmmmm a few randoms actually stop by, read and comment, I think I will change sites and write more for the randoms." Stop the press right there. That my friends, is the kiss of death. I have not wrote a paragraph, sentence, let alone a single word since that fateful January day when I transferred a few blogs over. Yes, I am a slacker. I am a slacker even after hearing shit from the few readers I have. I apologize. I vow, to you friends, I will update and do it on a semi-frequent basis.... Ok, ok, a frequent basis. And with that, it is 11:11 EST and I am off to bed.
Voluntarily Yours,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Transfering A Life

I am in the process of updating life...
I know many of you are constant readers of the "blogs" I have written, so I am in the process of transfering them all to this lovely little area of cyber space for your reading enjoyment.


An all time favorite... thanks again Tara!!!


I like...
~Laughing so hard my face hurts.
~Hot towels out of the dryer.
~Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
~Hearing my favourite song on the radio.
~No lines at the store.
~A hot bath.
~Chocolate milkshakes.
~Finding a 20$ bill in my coat from last winter.
~Laughing at myself. (thankfully it happens a lot!)
~Hot showers.
~A good conversation.
~An unexpected phone call from an old friend.
~Finding the PERFECT jeans.
~Laughing at an inside joke.
~Waking up and realizing I have a few hours left to sleep.
~Making new friends and spending time with old ones.
~Playing with a new puppy.
~Having someone play with my hair.
~Laughing for no reason.
~Road trips.
~Hot Chocolate.
~Going to a really good concert.
~That first kiss with that "special" someone.
~Running into an old friend and realizing things never change.
~Watching the look on someones face when they open a well desired gift.
~Watching the sunset.
~Knowing someone trusts me enough to cry in front of me.
~A bubble bath.
~Sunrises with the perfect cup of coffee in hand!

Endless bucket-lists.

Never in my life have I had soo many things on my plate. Never in my life have I procrastinated soo very much.. WHY? Why do we do that to ourselves? Why when it seems most needed to take care of lifes mundane to dos...we can only think of all we would rather be doing? Which, in my case, is mostly nothing.

Correction, I do do something. I make lists. Endless lists of things accomplished and those still left on the dreaded "To Do" side. (the later always seems longer). Once again this is not a proactive tactic. This is another one of my procrastination methods you see. I simply stare at the organized, color coded, highly comprehensive list for a moment, feeling some false sense of pride, place it with a bunch of papers in my purse and try to forget it doesn't sleep there at night staring into my soul, claiming my first born.

Even now, I stare at the clock knowing that if I dont simply get into the shower in the next five minutes, I will most likely be late for a hair appointment. Yet somehow starting and finishing a venting blog on myspace will make that ok. I DID SOMETHING!!!

Mean-while, I will stare grudgingly at the dishes that need to be put into the dishwasher, the bills I need to mail out and the mound of clothes in my room that doesn't get smaller no matter where I move it from day to day, Until finally I realize what I already know from years of childhood." Dont put off til tomorrow what you can do today." Not work, not relationships, not love. Life is better this way I am sure, but I will start living like that tomorrow.

Texting is the New Black.

We can't seem to get things fast enough. No need to explain or provide cliche examples, such as the drive through burger joints, tivo, iphone, etc etc. You literate consumer-holics are familiar with this cultural phenomenon by now.

Text messaging has taken us to a whole new level, especially in the realm of dating. To text gets the point across without a lengthy and uncomfortable explanation. And I love it.

Forget about wondering if you're a MySpace or Facebook addict, because we are all guilty to a certain degree. Instead, ask yourself if you've turned your texts interactions into the meat and potatoes of your social life? Have you had entire relationships that started, flourished and finally extinguished via text? What about asking someone out on a first date via text?

I recently went out with someone that I met once and spoke with -- and the next time we actually spoke was face to face, two weeks later, in between candles and a bottle of vino. "Here we are, remember me?" Strangely, I had no problem with the whole situation. I should have sent him a text suggesting that he pick up the phone and ask me out properly. But for fear of never actually enjoying an overpriced dinner of rice and seaweed together, I agreed to meet him at 8pm with a :)

There's nothing worse than the drunken booty text. Not only is it bad enough to wake up with a slight memory of pleading for sloppy sex at 4am, but to have a physical, written reminder (on the victim's inbox as well as in the solicitor's outbox) really makes one squirm. Yet, the inability to speak coherently makes texting a perfect option.

Perhaps the idea of pursuing someone via text (including emoticons) makes us look all the more cute, elusive, and effortless. We can do less, act as if we care less, and in turn gain a little bit more power in the dating game.

Whatever the reasons may be....I'll call you!

Dear Mr. Eye-Spy,

Dear Mr. Eye-Spy,
It has got to the point now where I feel there is no option but to communicate my feelings on this matter in writing, as my gentle hints, patient attempts at mediation, and out and out ignoring have all been to no avail. You will, of course, be aware of the matter to which I refer.
It is simply not acceptable for you to continue your behavior, hanging about in my business at all hours of the day and night, and making your presence felt by persistent watching, calling and e-mailing. Now, I feel uncomfotable in my own neighborhood, as I feel a continuing threat from your presence. I never know where or when you will strike next. Just when I thought it was possible that you were moving past the urge to communicate, the unwanted phone calls to me and unmentioned parties start up again. Lately too, you have been showing no respect for my friends as you are pathetically calling them and watching them also.
You have been dogging my footsteps continually for the past four years, and as you are probably aware, this state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue, for the sake of my general health, happiness, appearance and social life.
Please leave me alone once and for all.

Always serching for something you might just have...

LOVE: We think about it, Sing about it, Dream about it & Loose sleep worrying about it. When we don't know we have it, we search for it. When we discover it, we don't know what to do with it. When we have it, we fear loosing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we don't know which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define & IMPOSSIBLE to live without.